Get Ahead of the Mobile Recruitment Curve
Ms. Pomerantz has served as the Chief Executive Officer of Mary Pomerantz Advertising for the past twenty five years. She was formerly the Chief Executive Officer of Pomerantz Staffing, which grew to be one of the largest privately-owned staffing companies in the US under her leadership.

When deciding whether mobile recruitment efforts should be an important part of your company’s overall employee recruitment strategy, it’s important to know the facts. One the important facts is the size of your potential audience. For example, how many people actually own smartphones in the US? Another important question to ask is “do people use smartphones to search for and apply to open positions?” Fortunately, there is great data available to answer these and other questions on the subject.
Who Owns Smartphones?
Internet-connected smartphones are becoming increasingly common in the US and are poised to become even more prevalent in the coming years. A look at the most recent data on smartphone ownership from the Pew Research Center clearly illustrates this growing trend. In addition to the likelihood that new individuals will adopt smartphones as the technology keeps becoming more affordable and commonplace, the age distribution of smartphone usage implies that usage will continue to grow as younger smartphone users become a larger part of the population as they age.

Source: Pew Research Center
Do People Actually Search for Jobs on Smartphones?
The short answer to this question is “yes,” and the number keeps growing. In much the same way that smartphone ownership is becoming the norm, particularly among younger segments of the population, more and more people use their smartphones to search for and apply to available jobs. These rates vary by industry from a high of 80.28% in building and grounds cleaning and maintenance to a low of 45.28% in computer and mathematical occupations, but are clearly quite significant across all fields. When this data is viewed by the age of the job searchers it basically mirrors that of smartphone ownership, with younger individuals much more likely to utilize smartphones in their job searches than older segments of the population. This points to a likely increase in the importance of mobile recruitment as the years go by.

Source: Indeed.com
Companies Investing in Mobile Recruitment
With the large numbers of potential employees search for jobs on their mobile devices, you’d think that most companies would have designed job sites that are easy for mobile users navigate to search for and apply to open jobs. Unfortunately, you’d be wrong! Even among Fortune 500 companies, the vast majority have yet to update their career sites to incorporate mobile-optimized job searches and mobile-friendly application processes.
What Does This Mean for your Company?
If you are looking to recruit new employees for your business, there is a great, mostly-untapped resource of job seekers using mobile devices that you can reach out and connect to, bypassing the efforts of even many of the country’s largest employers. To connect with this audience, you just need to follow a few simple steps, and Mary Pomerantz Advertising can help you with all of them. First off, you need to make sure that your company’s career website is optimized for mobile users. At MPA our web design staff can help you determine if you have already met the bar on this count. One of the most common features of mobile optimization is a website whose layout adapts to the size and shape of a user’s screen. No one should have to constantly zoom in and scroll around a huge area of screen real estate to view your content; your site should be able to sense what sort of device it is being viewed upon and adjust its layout on-the-fly to deliver your content in a manner that is easy to read and digest.
MPA Can Make Your Mobile Recruitment Deliver
At Mary Pomerantz Advertising, we have the experience and expertise to help redesign your career website so that it is optimized for mobile devices and receiving applications from smartphone users. Our designers know all the technical tricks to make your site “adaptive” to multiple devices while also being familiar with the “best practices” for mobile-optimized design. In addition once your career site is optimized in this way, we can help you leverage social media and online advertising such as Google AdWords to help “push” mobile users to your site. This kind of multi-component strategy can be incredibly effective in helping your company to reach the new employees you need to succeed and grow.
Get Started Today
Particularly in today’s hyper-competitive job market, you need every advantage you can get to attract the highest quality job candidates. Let MPA help you tap into one the best resources around by designing a cutting-edge mobile recruitment strategy for your company. This is your chance to get ahead of your competition and fill your open positions with highly-skilled candidates who can help you be successful in the years ahead. Get ahead of the recruitment curve by calling MPA at 732-214-9600 today.