Effective branding is a critical component of any advertising campaign, and recruitment advertising is no exception. If your recruitment advertising is simply a series of reactive "one-offs" with no consistent branding strategy, you are missing out on the tremendous benefits that branding can offer. By creating and maintaining a consistent brand identity in your recruitment advertising, each individual ad becomes more powerful through its association with all of the previous ones. A strong employer brand can also help you target the right type of candidates for your specific company culture and values. Let MPA show you how to build a strong, consistent brand across all of your recruitment advertising and reap the rewards of this time-tested strategy.
Job Branding
Your company has a lot offer; why not celebrate that? Job branding helps to ensure a steady stream of candidates that fit your organizational model, while diminishing turn-over and ensuring continued employee satisfaction. Let Mary Pomerantz Advertising work with you to identify the strengths of your company offers as an employer and any value-added benefits unique to your organization. We'll then use this information to create engaging and customized advertising that attracts the best candidates for your company culture.
Unique Employment Propositions (UEP)
Why would an employee want to work for your company? It’s a question you need to know the answer to. At MPA, we are experts at defining your company’s Unique Employment Proposition (UEP), helping applicants to identify and package the positives of working for your company. A well-crafted UEP provides applicants with a clear insight into your organizational values, professional philosophy and corporate culture. Communicating this message aids in both recruitment and retention over the long term. You can trust MPA to integrate the strongest and most critical aspects of your UEP into your recruitment advertising, attracting and retaining a workforce that will fuel your growth and success into the future.
Employment Communications
It can be tough to make employees feel like they are “in-the-loop” on a consistent basis. Regular meetings only go so far and can eat up a lot of time and resources. That’s why you need a communications strategy that uses a variety of resources to get the job done. Your employment communications materials – from job ads and applications to employee handbooks to newsletters to basic office memos – should be clear, direct and reflective of your organizational philosophy. MPA can help you bring it all together by offering seamless, consistent and professional-looking employment communications materials for new and old employees alike.
Employee Referrals
Most companies have some sort of employee referral program in place, and most of them are pretty ineffective. This is unfortunately the case because many HR professionals don't have the time and the resources to develop and maintain employee referral programs at their peak level of productivity. By working with an experienced agency like Mary Pomerantz Advertising, you can ensure that your company’s employee referral program appropriately rewards existing employees while also recruiting high-quality candidates who are a good fit for your organization’s culture and values. A well-run and communicated ERP can be one of the best ways to enhance your recruitment and retention efforts in one package; get yours on track today with a little help from MPA. From conducting employee surveys or focus groups to fine-tune your ERP to designing internal posters, direct mailers, emailers and more – we can make your employee referral program shine.
Employee Surveys
Do you really know what your employees are thinking? The answer might surprise you. Although managers and supervisors like to think that they have a good sense of how their employees view company culture, policies and procedures – the reality can be quite different. To get a true sense of how your employees view any number of issues in the workplace, conducting an anonymous, independently-run survey can often be the best approach. At Mary Pomerantz Advertising we have designed, conducted and analyzed the results of employee surveys for our clients on a number of different subjects. Sometimes, these surveys were to identify the strengths and weaknesses of an organization for the purpose of developing a Unique Employment Proposition; other times, they were to identify HR issues of concern or existing productivity bottlenecks. Whatever the specific purpose, you can rely on MPA’s expertise to design, implement and make sense of any type of employee survey you may need.
Recruitment Events
Recruitment events like job fairs or open houses can be logistical nightmares for the HR staff on whose shoulders these events typically fall. There are advertising, scheduling and staffing issues, along with the need to ensure that signage and collateral materials like brochures and application are on-site in advance. That’s why turning to Mary Pomerantz Advertising can be so helpful to already overburdened HR staffs. When you want to stage a recruitment event MPA can help with the planning, advertising, scheduling, signage and necessary collateral materials. Why make it any harder on yourself?
Your company has a lot offer; why not celebrate that? Job branding helps to ensure a steady stream of candidates that fit your organizational model, while diminishing turn-over and ensuring continued employee satisfaction. Let Mary Pomerantz Advertising work with you to identify the strengths of your company offers as an employer and any value-added benefits unique to your organization. We'll then use this information to create engaging and customized advertising that attracts the best candidates for your company culture.